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Acne is caused by an increase in sebum (oil) in the skin, which changes the activity of a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes, leading to inflammation, infection and pus. The acne can be mild, causing white heads and pimples, or more severe causing painful cysts. This increase in sebum can be genetically determined, or can be hormonally driven, so can worsen at certain points in a woman’s menstrual cycle, or during pregnancy, breastfeeding and puberty.


Unfortunately acne can go on to cause scarring, which can lead to feelings of distress, embarrassment and low self-esteem.


Rosacea is a condition which causes redness and/or pimples on the face, usually on the cheeks and across the nose. There may be associated inflammation, sensitive skin and broken capillaries. Alcohol, hot drinks and spicy food are some examples of things which may make the condition worse.





Bespoke skin resurfacing treatments (skin peels) using the pHformula range of products can be used to target acne, rosacea and /or scarring.


Please find more information about different treatments on the treatment pages. Alternatively book a consultation with us now.


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