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Microneedeling is a form of 'collagen induction therapy' whereby we use a needling device to boost your skin's natural collagen, which can help improve wrinkles and scarring from acne or other trauma. Our SkinPen device is the world's first FDA approved microneedling device and is therefore the safest on the market. In addition to the microneedling, we also apply transdermal solutions containing active ingredients during your treatment, to ensure the best outcome. Thanks to microchannels which are made in the skin by the SkinPen device, these active ingredients directly penetrate the skin. Which solution we use depends on your particular skin concern. 



The SkinPen device contains tiny needles which penetrate the skin causing damage, which triggers an inflammatory reaction. This in turn stimulates  a re-modelling of the skin tissue, and a boost in collagen production. Results are best after a course of treatments and we will advise you of this in your initial consultation. 


Enquire about this treatment now.


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