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Usually, bone, fat and muscles create a scaffold effect for skin to sit on. With time, all these three tissues regress and become smaller - so there is loss of volume beneath the skin’s surface. This is particularly obvious on the face, which can appear hollow, especially around the eyes, the cheeks and the temples. Not only can the face appear hollow, but because the skin sits on this scaffold, which is regressing, the skin has less support and appears more wrinkled.


With time, lips tend to become thinner and lined. Filling in these lines and plumping the lips slightly can restore them to how they were. Alternatively younger people with thinner lips may prefer a slightly fuller lip to balance the proportions of the face better.


Other facial issues that can cause concerns are a gummy smile, drooping eyebrows, drooping mouth and pronounced jawline, often from teeth grinding or jaw clenching.





Dermal fillers can be used to replace lost tissue in the face, thereby restoring any hollows and giving the appearance of a more youthful face. Fillers can be placed in cheeks, temples, jawline, under the eyes or around the mouth.


Please find more information about different treatments on the treatment pages. Alternatively book a consultation with us now.


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