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Signs of ageing around the neck, jaw and decolletage can often give the appearance of people being older than they actually are. The skin in this area is subject to the same changes with time as skin elsewhere - so a reduction in strength and elasticity due to loss of collage and elastin. A typical ‘turkey neck’ appearance can result from a combination of these, along with loss of muscle and fat which, with gravity, pulls the skin downwards. The main neck muscle, the Platysma muscle, becomes more obvious, resulting in more visible ‘platysmal bands’ - the bands that can be seen running vertically up the neck.





Good skincare to the neck and decolletage is paramount, as it is usually subject to the same external stressors as skin on the face - this includes UVA from the sun, so skincare regimes should include a daily suncreen. Our fabulous skincare range, pHformula, has home skincare available to suit different skin types, depending on what your doctor advises.


Please find more information about different treatments on the treatment pages. Alternatively book a consultation with us now.


Please find more information about different treatments on the treatment pages. Alternatively book a consultation with us now.

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